Monday, October 29, 2007

The slow death of FOW in the Bay Area

It seems that locally here in the San Francisco Bay Area FOW is slowly grinding to a halt. This vexes me greatly because I really like the game. It started around the time of the release of the second edition of the rules and has been spiraling since Battlefront has moved on to the late war period.

This has been compounded by the changes in Battlefronts ordering and shipping policies to the retailers. What also did not help is Battlefronts slow re-release schedule for essential late war models.

So I guess the honeymoon is over, but has the bubble burst? Lets look at the good and the bad.

The changes to rules brought along by second edition make the game better in general.

The army lists as always are quite good.

The miniatures are still some of the best 15's on the market.

Battlefront venturing into some plastic parts for some of the kits has a lot of potential.

Glaring errors in some of the Intel Handbooks.

Slow release schedule; I mean snails move faster. (although other manufacturers make all if the models needed for WWII)

Poor relations with retailers. Even though this isn't directly my problem, so really doesn't count for much.

The results for me at least is the good outweighs the bad. FOW after all is said and done a fun wargame.

So I will plug along and promote playing FOW anywhere to anyone that I can. Hopefully I can help reinvigorate interest in the game.

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