Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The return of “Schwarzadler” Big Game!

On the 24th we ran a multi-player big game event partly to welcome home Schwarzadler who’s been away at college.

We ended up with a 12-player game set on the east front. There were 4 Soviet Tankovy and two Strelkovy Battalions on one side facing off against 1 Grenadier, 3 Panzer, and 2 Panzergrenadier Kompanies. With a grand total of 19,000 points participating in the grand event.

The Game was a special scenario cooked up by Joedog. It was played on two 8x4 tables set up in an ‘L’ configuration. Each side would be required to attack and defend depending on their placement on the table.

This was a Soviet relief operation the Germans had just cut off a Strelkovy Battalion who are dug in on the far end of the ‘L’ in a defensive pocket. The Soviet forces are trying to divert the German attack and take the pressure off of the cut off Battalion.

We had some very unique special rules for Battalion commanders and an attached Battalion staff team that allowed off board artillery and pre-designated artillery targets.

We limited each game turn to a strict 45-minutes. We have found that previous big games that the game turns tend to drag out if not timed. The time limit worked fantastically; I think we only went over time twice due to multiple assaults.

The winner would be determined by which side holds the most objectives at the end of the game.

It was a hard fought battle with the soviets pulling a 4-3 victory in the final turn of the game. They were holding 3 of the sixes objectives with the Germans holding 2 and contesting one in the pocket.

Schmidt leads the way!

A tense moment as Soviet air fails to range in on the worried Panzers.

The Soviets mob forward!

Schmidt charging into a hail of HMG fire!

A Strelkovy double time to gain some ground….

…and pay for it as some German armored cars MG the heck out of them.

T-60’s breaking ranks.

Lots of Soviet armor, just look at all of the KV’s!

The T-60’s rush the first objective.

The view from the Second German objective to the first; the first objective is the crossroad where all of the armor is centralized.

The T-60’s after the Pz IV’s are done with them.

Soviets take the first objective!

SS Panzergrenadiers rush to assault the Soviet pocket!

SS PanzerPioneers assaulting the gun pits in an attempt to take an objective.

In the end the Germans could only contest the objective.

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